Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Mission UPSC 2018: Preparation Strategies for Civil Services IAS Exam

The UPSC 2018 Notification for Civil Services Exam has been released and the exam dates for prelims and mains both are mentioned in the notification. Find below the UPSC 2018 exam dates for civil services exam.


Now that IAS Aspirants’ know the dates for IAS Prelims and Mains Exam, they should have started gearing up for the exam. To enhance their UPSC Exam Preparation, here we bring some preparation strategies, which they can implement to make their preparation more effective.
If aspirants had planned well in prior to writng this exam then all they should have is a right strategy along with some key tactics to follow in their preparation along with their dedication, determination and contribution.
IAS Aspirants’ should always start their preparation thinking that they are preparing to join the civil services and contribute their service to the country rather than preparing for the exam. As preparing for the exam with this attitude and thought will not gear up their preparation but also give them an edge over the other aspirants’.
Aspirants should start their preparation with the right mindset busting all the myths about UPSC Exam will lay a path that will lead them to ultimate destination i.e. becoming an IAS Officer.
Here’s a few basic preparation strategy, every aspirant should follow irrespective of whichever year they have planned to write the UPSC Civil Services Exam.

Time Management

Aspirants should never compare their study hours with others and also remember it is not the number of hours they have studied but the quality of study time is what matters. It is advised to candidates’ to devise a right and realistic preparation plan and follow it regularly and manage time effectively in their IAS Exam Preparation.  

Know the UPSC Syllabus and devise a plan

Knowing the UPSC Syllabus very well will make the entire preparation process a piece of cake and it is also recommended to aspirants’ to by-heart the syllabus and have a copy of the syllabus with them always. 
Once candidates are through with the syllabus, they can divide their preparation process into three stage viz., Initial Stage, Middle Stage, and Final Stage, it is well recommended to follow this strategy if candidates are starting their preparation a year prior.

Here’s what to follow at each stage.         

Initial Stage

  • Candidates’ should start their preparation always with the basics
  • Start every day reading the newspaper to cover the UPSC Current Affairs part and they can refer BYJU’s Comprehensive News Analysis
  • The NCERT books (download NCERT Books PDF for UPSC Exam)
  • It is advised to start their preparation for GS CSAT Paper II, two or three months before the IAS Prelims Exam.
  • Revision, revision and revision, candidates’ should not forget this. Every day they should make it a habit and revise what they have studied and should not procrastinate revision at any cost.

Middle Stage

This is the stage where IAS Aspirants should start preparing for UPSC Mains along with the prelims exam. Below given are the subjects that overlap with both UPSC Prelims and Mains Exam.  
From the beginning of the preparation, aspirants should make a habit of making their own notes and develop a habit of answer writing. (Read, The 7-5-3 Rule for Answer Writing in UPSC Mains Exam)

Final Stage

The final stage of the UPSC Exam Preparation is going through once again what they have studied and includes assessing their strengths and weaknesses.
After assessing their weakness all they have to do is work on it and change it as their strengths.
After passing all these three stages and a year worth of preparation, candidates are all set to face the D-day and it is advised to stay calm and not lose their nerves as they enter the exam hall and if they lose their calm, then their whole year of preparation is ruined.

Wishing all the best, we advise candidates’ to stay calm and determinant, persistence and committed, and confident not only throughout their preparation process but also on the D-day.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

UPSC Mains Exam: Compulsory Papers which Aspirants’ should not neglect

The UPSC 2017 Mains Exam is around the corners and the aspirants’ who have qualified for the Mains Written Exam would be indulged in their preparation. Keeping in mind the four GS Papers, Essay Paper and Optional Paper of the mains exam decide their fate in the final ranking list, aspirants’ should not forget the importance of the compulsory papers which are qualifying in nature and comprises Compulsory English Paper and Compulsory Indian Language Paper.  Aspirants’ should secure a minimum of 25% in each compulsory paper. If they fail to score the requisite marks in the compulsory papers then their score card would show only the scores of these two language papers and the commission will not disclose their score secured in the GS Papers, Essay and Optional Papers.
Hence, it is important that candidates’ do not neglect the compulsory papers as failing a compulsory language paper would be the greatest stumbling block for candidates’ in the UPSC Mains Exam.

UPSC Syllabus and Nature of the Compulsory Papers of IAS Mains Exam 

UPSC Syllabus for IAS Mains: Compulsory English Paper
Nature: Qualifying 
Marks: 300 
Duration: 3 Hours
  • Comprehension of given passages.
  • Precis Writing
  • Usage and Vocabulary
  • Short Essays 
IAS Syllabus for IAS Mains: Compulsory Indian Language Paper
Nature: Qualifying 
Marks: 300
Duration: 3 Hours
  • Comprehension of given passages.
  • Precis Writing
  • Usage and Vocabulary
  • Short Essays
  • Translation from English to the Indian Language and vice-versa 
  • The question papers on Indian Language and English will be of Matriculation or equivalent standard and will be of qualifying nature only.
  • The candidates should answer the English and Indian Language Paper in English and respective Indian Language correspondingly.
  • The marks obtained in these papers will be counted for ranking.
It is advised to candidates to refer UPSC previous years’ question papers to understand the nature of questions.

How to tackle UPSC Mains Compulsory Papers?

To break this barrier called the compulsory papers which are qualifying in nature, all a candidate has to do is tackle these papers in a right way. As the syllabus for these papers is of matriculation level candidates, hence candidates should cover these papers without compromising the core papers of the mains exam.

It is advised to candidates to choose a language based on their present command over the language. They should test themselves and decide on which Indian Language to choose for the compulsory paper of the mains exam as sometimes due to lack of time and practice may turn candidates who were language toppers in the school into borderline candidates.

Key Assessment

Candidates’ should go through the UPSC previous year’s question papers and try solving the papers. By following this, candidates will understand the type of questions asked in the UPSC Mains Examination and also they can assess their answers and evaluate where they stand and whether they were able to achieve the pass marks or not. It is advised to follow this for both the papers.
Now they have assessed their strengths and weaknesses, all an aspirant has to do is work on their weaknesses and fix it to serve the purpose i.e. to hit the target of 25% to find themselves in the final ranking list assuming they have given their best in the rest of the core papers of the mains exam.

Hope, this article on the importance of compulsory papers of UPSC Mains Examination would be helpful for IAS aspirants’ who are qualified for the UPSC Civil Services Mains Written Examination and they can also leave their suggestions or any points to be included in the article in the below section.  

UPSC Mains Exam: How to Build the Lost Proficiency in Language to tackle the Compulsory Papers

In this article, we bring some tips on how to build proficiency in language to tackle the compulsory papers of the UPSC Mains Exam.
  • Aspirants’ can read the newspaper in both the languages i.e. English and the language which they have chosen for the Compulsory Indian Language. While reading the newspaper, candidates should focus on the vocabulary, grammar, usage of words, sentence structure or construction, spellings and etc. This can be covered abreast while reading the newspaper for UPSC current affairs to cover the four General Studies Paper of the mains exam.
  • Candidates should also make a habit of reading the newspaper in their vernacular for at least 10-15 minutes a day as this would help them build the local knowledge, which will also come handy for the profile-based questions in the UPSC Personality Test/ interview.
  • It is also recommended to go through UPSC previous years’ question papers at least last five years of both compulsory papers (English and Indian Language). Aspirants’ can solve on one or two question papers in a month.
  • Candidates’ should dust off their old school textbooks and revise basic grammar and practice changing sentences like active and passive voice; direct and indirect speech; compound and complex sentence etc.
  • Enhance your language skill by working on prepositions, punctuation rules and other basic grammar rules. The UPSC Previous Years’ Question Papers will come handy here.
  • For Indian Language Paper, candidates should practice on translations as well.
  • Writing Practice is important for UPSC Mains Exam and plays a crucial part not only core papers but also in compulsory papers. Candidates should practice writing to improve the flow of writing and avoid any kind of glitches like spelling mistakes.
Things to keep in mind while writing this paper in the UPSC Examination Hall.
  • Candidates’ should always aim to secure the pass marks i.e. 25%
  • Before answering, candidates should go through the paper and start with questions that they find easy and know the answer.
  • Don’t spend too much time on questions which you find difficult instead move on to the next question and try attempt as many questions as possible.
  • It is also advised to candidates’ not fall for the lengthy questions as they may fetch inconsiderate marks and these questions can be attempted at the last moment, if time allows.
These are some of the crucial tips, which IAS Aspirants’ can follow to get back their lost proficiency in the language and tackle the compulsory papers of the UPSC Main Exam.

8 things to follow in the UPSC Mains Examination

The UPSC Mains Exam is scheduled be held on October 28, 2017 and the timetable Civil Services IAS Mains Exam is given below.

Step 1: Read the questions twice and find the keyword in the given questions

Candidates should read the questions twice and carefully and should determine at least a single keyword in the question which they know. Candidates’ should know that there will at least two or three keywords. Once they find the keyword then the can construct the answer centring the keyword.
Candidates’ should scan the question thoroughly as just taking a glance at the question is not going to be of any help. While going through the question, candidates’ should determine at least a single keyword in the question that they are familiar with and each question will have at least two or three keywords. Once they identify the keyword then they can go full throttle centring their answer on that single keyword.

Step 2: Understand the need of the question

After reading the question twice, candidates should understand the need of question that is what kind of answer it requires. Here are some tips on how to attempt a question.
Read the question thoroughly and then divide the question into parts. Below given is an example:
Several foreigners made India their homeland and participated in various movements. Analyse their role in the Indian struggle for freedom. (200 words)
This question was asked in the UPSC 2013 Civil Services Mains Exam.
IAS Aspirants can break this question into two parts like
First part - Foreigners who participated in India’s freedom struggle
Second part - their role in the Indian struggle for freedom
By dividing the questions, it makes easier for candidates to attempt the question and meet the demand.

Step 3: What if the question is tough? Do not panic.

What if candidates come across questions that are tough, all we advise is don’t panic and maintain your calm.
When you lose your calm you tend to forget what you have studied and further making it complicated, which you should never entertain especially in the UPSC Exam Hall.
One should think in this way, there are other candidates’ as well in the examination hall who may find the same. Candidates’ should always keep in mind that success in mains exam depends not on answering the vague or ambiguous questions but not missing the easiest and most general questions that are answered in the simplest and most straight ward way.

Step 4: Draw flowcharts, charts, diagrams but draw something

When we say draw something it means draw flowchart, charts, and diagram that is relevant to the question, which will enhance your answer and fetch you that extra marks.
Candidates’ should not worry about their drawing skills as the examiner will see how you have justifies the facts and figures in the diagram.
It is always an added advantage to include relevant flowcharts, charts, and diagrams wherever necessary.
Also, a note to candidates’ not to overdo with diagrams or just give diagrams as it is just an addition to your answer but not an alternative answer.

Step 5: Keep the word limit and time limit in mind

Each General Studies Paper of the UPSC Mains Exam has 25 questions and each question should be answered in 200-250 words and all the 25 questions should be answered within the stipulated time of 3 hours.
Candidates should ensure that they spend approximately 7-8 minutes to answer a 10-mark question, the time may vary below above but not beyond it and one should have answered 4 questions in 30 minutes. And, if they have not, we would advise to pull up their sock and jump in the race to stay ahead in the UPSC Civil Services Exam.

Step 6: If consecutively questions are tough

As the candidates open the question paper and see the first page and find the first question tough and the following few consecutive questions the same then don’t panic. Here, we advise if the first few questions are tough then start with the last question and starting attempting questions in the reverse order. This technique will work and after attempting few question they may feel confident by the time they the first page of the question again.

Step 7: The 7-5-3 Rule for UPSC Mains Answer Writing

Following this one rule will make candidates’ to attempt all the questions without any difficult if and only if they have followed this rule during their answer writing practice in UPSC Exam Preparation.
Here’s how the 7-5-3 rule works.
Read the question carefully at least twice
Break the question into two parts
Identify the keyword
Know the question type
Build the answer around the keyword by writing 5 points in bullet-list style. Based on the question type write an explanation on each point in 3 dimensions, like
1.     Social, Economic, Political and Geographical perspective
2.     For, against, and conclusion
3.     What/Why/How
Finally, the candidates’ should have finished their answer in 7 minutes.
This is the simple 7-5-3 rule for answer writing in UPSC Mains Exam
·        Finish the answer in 7 minutes
·        Write 5 points on the identified keyword
·        Explain each point in 3 dimensions depending on the nature of the question

Step 8: Do not underestimate yourself during the exam

Eventually, how much ever a candidate is prepared; naturally they become nervous as they enter the UPSC Exam Hall, especially the first-timers who are writing the mains exam for the first time. All we advise candidates is to keep their nerves calm as most of the candidates who clear the exam are with average grades in their qualification and who have half your knowledge. Hence, candidates’ should stay positive and have nerves of steel to handle when they tremble any moment in the exam hall.

These are the crucial 8 steps, which every IAS aspirant writing the UPSC 2017 Mains Exam should follow and following which we bet they will get an edge over the other aspirants’.